You’ve got a voice in your ear: “Buy local.” “Buy CBD from a trusted supplier.”
Buying local is an altruistic way to spend the money in your pocket, and you should most definitely buy top-tier, third-party tested CBD from a trusted source.
But does that mean the two go together? Buying CBD locally is a bit more complicated. You don’t want to waltz into any old head shop and buy some murky brown CBD “oil,” but–
You do want to buy from a locally-owned business that produces clear, high-grade, all natural, holistic hemp medicine.
Rolling Acre Farms occupies 105 acres of lush, green hills near Carlisle, PA. So we’ll tell you how to meet local and quality in the middle, from our Pennsylvania perspective.
Why buy local CBD?
Ever since the feds classified CBD as a food supplement, you’ve probably seen CBD oils popping up everywhere from the BP station to the local Family Video.
Some online hemp/CBD blogs warn against buying locally for this very reason.
But those warnings seem a little hasty. As long as you know what you’re doing (click here if you don’t), buying locally is still the way to go.
If you look for CBD at your hometown grocer (like Wegmans) or at your local farmers markets, you’re likely to have lots of luck finding high-quality CBD products that are natural, high in CBD and CBG, and third-party tested.
Why not buy local?
The only real reason is that some products at local head shops or convenience stores might be a little untrustworthy.
So do your own online research first (or while you’re shopping) to ensure the product you’re getting has been tested. Don’t buy local if the only place you can find CBD locally is at a gas station. You shouldn’t buy wellness products from a place that sells watered-down gasoline.
CBD Oil in Carlisle, PA
Farmers on the Square
Farmers on the Square is a market in the heart of Carlisle selling everything from local honey to fresh fruits and vegetables. Sometimes, you’re able to find good CBD here too (we’ll be setting up shop occasionally at Farmers on the Square this year).
Farmers on the Square runs from May-December, every Wednesday 3-7 pm and 2-5 pm in November and December.
West Shore Farmers Market
They’re open every day of the week, in a large multi-level indoor venue. Check out their website–you can find anything your heart desires here, all sourced from local farmers and vendors. We’re currently at a store called Doggy Delights in the West Shore Farmers Market.
If you’re in the Carlisle or West Shore area, scout the West Shore Farmers Market for Rolling Acre CBD products–and if you see another CBD brand there, make sure to do the proper research before buying. That means asking them for test results (a Certificate of Analysis, or COA) and take a peek at their CBD, CBG, and THC levels to make sure they’re up-to-par and compliant.
Here’s how to buy CBD with high standards.
Broad Street Market
Broad Street Market is located in downtown Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s lovely capital, on the corner of North Third and Verbeke Streets.
It’s open year round and daily. You’re bound to be able to find us here in the near future.
Now for the retailers where we can be found setting up shop from time to time:
Abrams and Weakley
Benny’s Pet Depot
The Coexist Gallery
If you have a favorite CBD brand or find a local brand you can trust, determining where their product is sold shouldn’t be difficult. Google is your friend, and so are CBD suppliers’ sites (for finding out if their products are of sufficient quality).
And buying anything locally, from a trusted source, is always the best option if the quality is good.
Look for announcements pertaining to physical retailers on our Facebook and Instagram, and as always, buy local + from a trusted source.
And, give local markets some love on social media:
Farmers on the Square: Instagram / Facebook
West Shore Farmers Market: Instagram / Facebook
Broad Street Market: Instagram / Facebook