You’re here, so you are probably interested in trying out CBD (for any number of reasons).
But there are a few things you should know before you buy (and before you try).
With all that you’ve got to worry about these days, sleepless nights and anxious days aren’t worth your time. But investing in something that could help you deal with them, is.
Here’s the rundown.
What is CBD?
CBD is a cannabinoid that just might just help improve your body’s everyday functions, like sleep, mental clarity, and appetite.
You and all your friends have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) which both produces endocannabinoids and binds to those ingested from the plant cannabis (phytocannabinoids).
This is why a cannabinoid like THC gets you high. It binds to a synapse in your brain, is absorbed by an endocannabinoid receptor called Cannabinoid 1 (CB1) and alters the flow of neurotransmitters to your brain.
On the other hand, CBD, a phytocannabinoid like THC, binds to receptors and interacts with neurotransmitters, increasing their flow in your body.
If you’re interested in learning more about cannabinoids, this may be a good time to read into how your body naturally interacts with cannabinoids.
Is CBD Legal?
In 2018, congress passed the Farm Bill, which allowed for cannabis Sativa L (the 2nd strand of cannabis Sativa, the other being marijuana) to be grown anywhere in the U.S.
The caveat? THC levels must stay below 0.3%.
That means now, you can buy infinite hemp products, from CBD oil to hemp seed oil and even hemp-infused products like shampoo.
The bottom line: Hemp is a variety of cannabis plant, the other being marijuana, which is illegal in most US states.
Hemp and its derivatives, including CBD oil, are entirely federally legal. Read about slight differences in states’ cannabis legality.
Can CBD be addictive?
Miniscule THC levels mean CBD oil, derived from hemp, will not get you high.
This also means that its addictive properties are nada. Harvard Medical School wrote a blog all about it.
Oh, and the World Health Organization says:
“In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health-related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”
CBD benefits and what to expect
CBD CAN help your body perform its daily functions better.
But CBD ISN’T a “cure-all” (or a replacement for medicine).
Here are some of CBD’s possible benefits:
Pain relief and reduced inflammation, especially in relation to arthritis, muscle spasms, and multiple sclerosis..
Reduced anxiety and depression by increasing neurotransmitter flow to the brain.
Alleviating cancer-related symptoms, like nausea, seizures, and weight loss (not cancer itself).
Go into CBD use with an open mind and see what it does for you. It’s worth the shot and a holistic medicinal option for promoting wellness of body and mind.
Understanding Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum, and CBD Isolate
In your unending dive into the cannabinoid world, you’ve probably seen the word “spectrum” enough to wonder what exactly this mysterious spectrum is and means.
It’s actually quite simple, though. There are 3 types of spectrums, as this article discusses in-depth.
Full-spectrum just means the vapor contains the full spectrum of cannabinoids, including CBD, CBG, THC, and THCa.
But some might want to avoid certain cannabinoids altogether, like THC, even though the amount of THC in full-spectrum CBD oil is like a drop in the ocean.
Which brings us to broad-spectrum. Here, you get all the benefits of cannabinoids without a trace of THC. Hyper-paranoid about the off-chance of failing a drug test? Maybe you want to try broad-spectrum.
But, keep in mind that the THC has to be completely removed from the hemp vapor to create broad-spectrum. And, THC content in full-spectrum is <0.3%, so you’re definitely not getting stoned on full-spectrum CBD, if that’s your concern (or goal).
Then, there’s CBD isolate.
If you’re sure that CBD specifically is what your body needs, then you might want to start out with CBD isolate, which means: 100% CBD, extracted from the hemp and isolated from the rest of the cannabinoids.
CBD oil vs. Hemp Seed Oil
Are CBD and hemp oil the same? Hemp seed oil and CBD oil are very different, despite sounding like the same thing with a slightly different name.
Hemp seed oil comes from only the seeds, while CBD oil comes from the flower, stalks, and leaves of the cannabis Sativa plant.
This means that hemp seed oil doesn’t contain CBD or most other cannabinoids, but can boast a rich array of nutrients and fatty acids if that’s what you’re looking for.
Just don’t buy it under the impression that you’re getting CBD and the health benefits it can provide you.
How to take CBD Oil
The better question: how can you NOT consume CBD?
Here are some types of CBD products:
Tincture that is easily added to anything, including food or drink.
Flower that is traditionally smoked.
Ointments and lotions, etc.
The opportunities are endless, and CBD tincture is highly versatile.
You may have even heard about people using CBD to ease their pet’s anxiety.
Adding CBD tincture to drinks and food is a great way to add a bit of flavor and holistic health benefits to your favorite recipes and cocktail mixes. Read more about adding CBD oil to alcoholic beverages. Prepare to have your mind (and maybe body?) blown.
Here’s a helpful article, too, about incorporating CBD into your daily routines. There are myriad of ways to take and work CBD into your day, so your experience is as personalized as you want it to be.
Where to buy CBD products?
At Rolling Acre, we grow pesticide-free hemp on 105 acres of beautiful Pennsylvania farmland. We’re doing this because it’s our passion and we believe in the holistic qualities of our CBD products.
Our CBD tinctures are highly versatile (you can use them almost any way you want) and third-party tested.
But you need to know what exactly to look for when buying your first CBD product. If you know what you want out of it, your dive into CBD can be truly revolutionary in your life. So answer these questions and check these boxes, first:
Determine what you want from CBD. What are YOU trying to accomplish?
What form is right for you? How do you want to consume it?
Make sure you know what exactly is in the product. Look at those lab results.
Find out where and how the hemp was grown. You want organic, pesticide-free hemp (there’s no reason to use pesticides on hemp, but some farms do).
Do some research on the content and reading that your chosen CBD company is putting out. Are they making sweeping health claims, or telling you CBD is a miracle cure? If they are, be wary.
Now, you’re ready to look for a product. Whatever product you buy, it should have these two qualities:
First: whatever you do, make sure you’re buying all natural, local, and pesticide-free products.
And second: please, please make sure your CBD source is third-party tested. If CBD companies have quality products, they won’t mind them being tested.
Want to know what one of these tests looks like? Check out our most recent lab test results.
Testing ensures you’re not ingesting any unwanted substances into your system. It also gives you peace of mind that you’re buying the exact amount of CBD (and low amounts of THC) that they’re telling you you are.
If the place you’re considering buying from doesn’t talk about testing, then it’s likely that they don’t do it. We’re looking at you, some Amazon sellers.
Verifying testing results and only buying from companies who are transparent will help you avoid scams when buying CBD.
Customer Question: Can CBD oil cause diarrhea?
We appreciate direct questions like this. Side effects vary from person to person, though CBD has been found to have little to no effects outside of sleepiness. But, there are studies that have shown CBD to cause diarrhea in some. If you have concerns regarding your GI tract and potential adverse reactions to CBD or other cannabinoids, we recommend speaking with your physician.
Now, Your Wellness Journey With CBD
There’s nothing more exciting than investing in your own wellness.
We want you to have the best experience possible with CBD, so being educated and aware is absolutely key.
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Happy Hempdays!